Last Updated on January 26, 2021 by ReTurf

Finding low-cost alternatives for artificial turf installations is a financially savvy way to save some money. But, cheap doesn’t have to mean low-quality – though you could wind up with an inferior product if cheap was the only search criteria. There is a real solution for inexpensive yet high-quality artificial turf for your project.

a small backyard artificial turf project

The Low-Cost Artificial Turf Solution

Start with a premium recovered product. You can find recovered high-quality artificial turf from professional sports stadiums at hugely discounted rates. (See our premium recovered turf here). This is an environmentally proactive way to get high-quality turf for your project, cheaply, but without skimping on the qualities of the product. To further add to this reduced cost you can also find a recovered infill product, here, to further increase the overall savings.

The Benefits of Recovered Artificial Turf

Aside from the costs savings of the product itself, its DIY friendly installation, and easily sourced installation products – recovered artificial turf is literally doing the world a favor. Right now, artificial turf manufacturers are still trying to perfect recycling methods for this product. In the meantime, these massive piles of recovered turf could easily be filling landfills. By purchasing a recovered turf product, you are giving it a second life while also saving some cash.

The Cons of Truly “Cheap” Artificial Turf

The biggest issue with cheap new artificial turf is build quality. These products have less invested in their production in order to keep the costs down. This can mean using inferior materials, harsh chemicals (older, imported cheap turf products were known to contain toxic additives), and quite frankly do not have the feel of a real lawn. The high quality recovered turf solution offers you a comfortable life-like surface that is up to any task – including pets.

High-quality artificial turf also uses high-quality dyes and UV stabilizers for longer usable life.

How Does Quality Artificial Turf Feel?

It can feel quite natural. High-quality turf is manufactured with a high strength backing, designed for proper drainage, contains a thatching layer, and finally synthetic grass blades, created with thermoplastic mixtures, designed to feel life-like. With this layered manufacturing process, the feel of high-quality turf has natural shock-absorbing qualities and is soft on contact.

Quality used turf actually adds an extra level of comfort. The synthetic grass blades, after some heavy use, go through a process called fibrillation. This is basically where the individual grass blades split and create an added layer of cushion and comfort.

In the end, you can achieve your goals for cheap artificial turf, while maintaining a level of quality and comfort you may not have given consideration to, with a quality recovered turf product.