Last Updated on March 12, 2021 by ReTurf

Artificial turf will last 10-20 years. Some make it even longer. It really depends on the quality of the turf and its use. Artificial turf soccer or football fields may see less life than artificial turf used indoors or in a backyard.

How Long Does Used Artificial Turf Last?

Again, this will come down to the initial quality of the turf, how it was cared for, and how it was used. That said, used artificial turf (available here) is usually sold in graded levels. Like Basic and Premium. These identifiers can tell you which variety of used artificial turf has the highest quality or the least amount of initial use.

Recovered artificial turf specialists will generally only keep those sections that are in the best usable shape. Alongside, they will repair any minor issues, like small holes and tears. With that being done, used artificial turf can last 10-20 years as well. The final determining factor will be the quality of the used turf you chose and the intended use that you have for it.

If you’re not sure, used artificial turf specialists can help you decide on the best product. They can help you better understand the expectations in regards to performance and longevity based on your intended use. The pros here at ReTurf are available to answer these types of questions. You can fill out the form at this link or give a call at (828) 855-8806.